Investigative (search) actions: concept, meaning and types

: 210-215
Lupii S., Kryzhanovskyi A. “Investigative (search) actions: concept, meaning and types.”

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

In this article, I have characterized the system and features of investigative (search) actions, as well as the general requirements for their conduct. It was found that investigative (search) actions are the main means of proof, namely, a tool of cognitive activity for the investigation of criminal offenses.

In particular, it was established that the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (CPC) significantly modernized the procedure for carrying out criminal proceedings, introducing a number of new institutions.

It has been found that despite the constant, sufficiently broad study of issues regarding the clarification of the concept and the conduct of investigative (research) actions, it still remains quite debatable.

It was determined that the main means of forming a certain evidence base in criminal proceedings are investigative (search) actions, therefore, from both a theoretical and a practical point of view, the questions under which conditions can be recognized as legitimate and how their legitimacy can be ensured are relevant.

It is described that the legality of investigative (search) actions means that they must, first of all, be provided for in the criminal procedural law, as well as be carried out in the procedural form prescribed by law.

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