pretrial investigation

Investigative (search) actions: concept, meaning and types

In this article, I have characterized the system and features of investigative (search) actions, as well as the general requirements for their conduct. It was found that investigative (search) actions are the main means of proof, namely, a tool of cognitive activity for the investigation of criminal offenses.

In particular, it was established that the new Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine (CPC) significantly modernized the procedure for carrying out criminal proceedings, introducing a number of new institutions.

The use of the special knowledge is during the review of place of perfect murder

A concept and maintenance of the special knowledge that isused in the process of
investigation of murders are exposedin the article. Certainly directions of викорстання
specialistsduring the огліду place of event. The basic tasks of specialistthat is brought over to
the review of вчиненння of масуяmurder are outlined. Activity of спеціліста is considered
inrelation to an exposure, jigging and exception of tracks ofcrime during the огліду place of

Judicial order of finishing telling of circumstances that matter for refutation of suspicion (prosecution)

In the article judicial maintenance of finishing telling of circumstances is certain with the aim of refutation of suspicion. Normative acts that give possibility judicially to refute suspicion are analysed.Circumstances that influence on diminishing of degree to weight of perfect criminal offence are certain. The basic mandatory members of advocate are outlined from refutation of suspecting of crime.

Features of planning of pre-trial investigation of murders : theoretical and practical aspects

A concept and maintenance of planning of investigation of murders are exposed in the
article. Scientific developments of problem of planning of crimes are analysed against life and
health of person. The separate signs of murders are certain that must be taken into account at
the stowage of plan of their investigation. The basic mandatory members of planning of
investigation of murders are outlined. Planning of separate investigators) is certain search)
actions depending on the method of commission of crime.

Analysis of scientific approaches to the definition of judicial discretion

In the article the question of the definition in the scientific interpretation of the concept of judicial discretion. On the basis of the analysis seems possible to display a single definition of judicial discretion investigating judge in criminal proceedings, given the peculiarity of his judicial authority in criminal proceedings for the control of the rights and freedoms of participants in criminal proceedings. It is explained the choice of terms, basic expressions included in the explanation of judicial discretion investigating judge.