The union of the SSR as a form of implementation of the russian imperial doctrine of the political absorption of Ukraine: formation and legal status of the Ukrainian SSR

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Terlyuk I. "The union of the SSR as a form of implementation of the russian imperial doctrine of the political absorption of Ukraine: formation and legal status of the Ukrainian SSR."

Lviv National University of Veterinary of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after S.Z. Grzycki

The issues of the formation of the USSR in the context of the search during 1917-1922 for the optimal model of implementation of Russia's political and legal doctrine of Ukraine are covered. It is believed that the formation of the USSR is part of the centuries-old Russian imperial doctrine of its political absorption.

The legal forms of relations between Soviet Ukraine and Russia during the national-democratic revolution are analyzed. It is concluded that the USSR from the very beginning was part of a single Russian-Soviet state complex. It is emphasized that before signing the treaty establishing the USSR, the Russian Bolsheviks made several attempts to restore the Russian neo-empire. It is emphasized that the initial legal form of reproduction of the de facto renewed Russian Empire by the Bolsheviks was the "Military-Political Union". However, the most telling document to confirm this thesis was the so-called. "Workers 'and Peasants' Agreement" is an unequal and enslaved for Ukraine, a typical colonial agreement.

The Treaty on the Establishment of the USSR is justified as a document of dubious legitimacy that never went beyond the project stage. Accordingly, it never acted formally, and therefore was not legally valid. It was stressed that it had not been ratified as an international act. It is substantiated that the formulation of the "union" concealed the consolidation in the republic of an extensive system, in fact, of Russia's centralized authorities and administration.

As a result, the imperial essence of the Ukrainian policy of the Bolsheviks of 1917-1922 is emphasized. Declaring at various stages different options for establishing legal interstate relations, Russia actually tried to use them to achieve its strategic goal - maintaining full control over all major spheres of Ukrainian society. Practically, the centralizing principles of the Bolshevik Party were transferred to the organization of state structures. The form of formation of the USSR was only to veil the true essence of the introduced unitary statehood.

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