The high demand of polymer composite for modern technique causes the need to create new varieties of such materials. At present, the production of a wide range of fillers and polymer matrices has already been produced, which allows the use of polymer composite materials as both structural materials and special purpose materials.
In this paper in order to obtain metal-containing composites the technology of introducing of the metal filler into a polymer matrix by metalizing the surface of the source polymer raw material is proposed. To do this, it is necessary to develop an effective technology of metallization of the polymer surface, which would be distinguished by simplicity, efficiency and versatility.
The examination of the classical metallization technology for the possibility of obtaining metallized polyvinyl chloride plasticate showed its low efficiency. In addition, the classical metallization technology of polymers is characterized by multi-stage and includes the stages of degreasing the surface, its digestion, sensitization, activation and the actual stage of metal deposition.
In order to cheapen and to increase the versatility of the metallization process, a new method for providing to the surface of polyvinyl chloride plasticate of catalytic properties was proposed. The activation of the plastic surface occurred as a result of the processing of the plastics pellets in a ball mill by the powder of the active metal (in relation to Cu), in this case Zn. Such a common treatment in a ball mill allows obtaining a saturated polymeric surface by particles with catalytically active metal, which are firmly fixed on the surface of the plastics. The proposed activation technology for polyvinyl chloride plasticates is much simpler, does not require the use of dangerous and expensive substances and can significantly reduce the length of the preparatory stages of metallization.
For the chemical deposition of copper on the activated surface of polyvinyl chloride plastics, a trilon solution of copper was used. As a result of deposition of copper in a solution of chemical metallization, a high-quality metal surface was obtained that continuously covers the surface of polyvinyl chloride plasticates. Investigation of the metalized surface of polyvinyl chloride plasticates and the phase composition of the copper coating showed that in copper-coated coatings present only reflexes that correspond to the phase of metallic copper and lack reflexes corresponding to the copper oxide phases.
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