Lviv Polytechnic National University

In this article you will read about the role of photojournalism in modern conditions, main problems and challenges which photojournalists and editors of modern media face while producing and creating visual content. The author has made an attempt to analyze moral and 30 ethical values in work of photocorrespondents and photoreporters, find an effective model of person’s work with a camera or any other shooter depending on requirements of owners and editors of the mass media. The author emphasizes on objectivity or subjectivity of visual content in modern mass media. You will read about some aspects of work of photojournalists-professionals and bystanders of occasion who shot it. The author emphasizes on artistic component of modern photojournalism and how it is displayed in the mass media.In this article is pointed out that faithfulness and authenticity of images are becoming a contradicting thing because of improvement of technical devices and development of digital technologies. You will also read about some cases of contradicting activity of photojournalists and photoeditors which consists in violation of professional corpuses and moral and ethical norms. In the article are given examples of such violations in mass media. The author pays attention to misuse of efficiency, digital processing of images, staged photography and influence of context on the meaning of photos. In conclusion the author gives recommendations about improvement of conditions of modern photojournalism in Ukraine and perspectives of photography future development with taking into consideration experience of the most popular issues in the world. Work of photojournalists has to base on the same principles and rules that are typical for the whole journalism.

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