The research methodology was in the following procedures: two regional periodicals were selected: Kryvyi Rig city newspaper Chervonyi Hornik (Ukrainian language) published in Kryvyi Rig and the weekly social and political newspaper Slovo (Russian language) Odessa (Ukraine). In each printed periodical, 5 political issues (a story about the politics or its party) 44 were selected for the period from January 1, 2006 to February 1, 2008. The criteria for quantitative and qualitative analysis were as follows: the number of simple sentences (subject + predicate, subtotal + predicate + one, two or three minor terms of a sentence: a definition, an appendix, an example); the number of connotated lexical units acting as the characteristics of a political figure – the hero of the information material; the number of lexical units of a political format (those that refer to policy realities or those that can characterize politicians and policies); the number of speech units that mean praising (bravado) the exclusive right of the journalist to use the public information channel (pages of the periodical printed publication) to form a positive or negative image of a particular political entity; the language unit in this case is a piece of text that is devoted to the popularization of a certain political subject through the use of the “exclusive” right of the journalist to use this information channel (pages of the newspaper); is measured by such a speech unit of the number of sentences. Conclusions Odessa and i journalists during the coverage of political events and the presentation of the characteristics of the actions of political figures appear to be diligent in shaping the negative or positive image of the latter. It is precisely this kind of diligence that we call political “engagement”.
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