Publications About People With Disabilities Оn the Internet Media

: 75-80
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The attitude towards people with disabilities in health and disabilities has changed during the history of society and due to its cultural and historical traditions, socioeconomic status, overwhelming religion and mentality. Depend on this, the social perception of the disabled and persons with a limitation of life formed, ideas about this social group formed, and biases against them develop. Mass media play an essential role in shaping the image and stereotypes of people with special needs in society. It is the mass media that show on society how to treat people with disabilities, how to call them, forming myths and stereotypes about them. Therefore, we are investigating how the leading Internet media of Ukraine on people with disabilities write.

Ukraine has more than 2 million people with disabilities. Persons with special needs around the world pay close attention to what about them write about in the media.

The mass media is turning to the problems of disability, not so often. In central print media, over a month, you can find about a dozen articles and publications on this topic, and most of them are purely informational. Ukrainian media monitoring has shown that this topic is far from the most popular in the media, although there is a marked tendency to increase the number of publications gradually. More and more analytical and problematic articles, stories, essays appear, that is, such publications that are interesting to a wide audience and can influence the formation of public opinion about people with disabilities, familiarizing readers with the problems, ways of their solution and people who these problems decide for themselves or for others.

  1. Lyubivyiy Ya. V. Sovremennoe massovoe soznanie: dinamika i tendentsii razvitiya [Modern mass consciousness: the dynamics and trends]. Znanie, 1993.
  2. Nacionalna dopovid “Pro stanovy`shhe osib z invalidnistyu v Ukrayini” [National report “On the situation of persons with disabilities in Ukraine”]. Retrieved from bin/irbis64r_81/cgiirbis_64.exe?C21COM=2&I21DBN=VFEIR&P21DBN=VFEIR&Z21ID=&IMAGE_F ILE_DOWNLOAD=1&Image_file_name=DOC%2FREP0000749.PDF
  3. “Nogy` perelamaty` treba!” Skandal z paralimpijs`koyu medalistkoyu v Xarkovi otry`mav prodovzhennya [“Legs need to be broken!” Scandal with the paralympic medalist in Kharkiv was extended]. Retrieved from
  4. 4. Rol zhurnalistyky u pidtrymci ta zaxysti prav lyudyny. Posibnyk dlya gromadskyx zhurnalistiv. [The role of journalism in supporting and protecting human rights. A Guide for Public Journalists]. Retrieved from