The phenomenon of the nation in the scientific discussion: to the methodology of the problem of historical continuity of the nation and state

: 48-53

Terlyuk I. "The phenomenon of the nation in the scientific discussion: to the methodology of the problem
of historical continuity of the nation and state"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The prevailing approaches in the domestic and world scientific thought are the
approaches to the essence of the concept of “nation”, its content and volume, the time of
appearance, as well as the relationship with the concepts of “ethnos” and “people”. It is
emphasized that the concept of “nation” most often correlates with the concepts of “ethnos”
and “people”. The idea is that the nation is a people that is exalted by the stockpile of state
forces, endowed with the ability to identify and separate from other nations the state borders,
as well as the integration of other nations into their national sovereignty as national minorities.

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