Basic social relations are regulated by constitutional law, it ensures the development of a democratic state and civil society.
To describe correctly the concepts of this branch of law its terminology should be clear and unambiguous. Therefore the study of this terminology appears so important.
Terminology of constitutional law – this are nominations, which are interconnected at different linguistic levels, in particular on the derivational, and forming a terminological system. Affixal derivation is one way of ensuring the system of constitutional law terminology.
Creation of terms of various terminology branchs occurs under the derivation laws of the Ukrainian language. One can say that terminological system of constitutional law has its derivational subsystem that is inherent only to her and it uses only a limited number of models, which is inherent in general derivation. Such models in constitutional law are most appropriate for denoted concepts.
Derivational analysis of constitutional law terms will make it possible to single out derivational subsystem inherent in this branch of law. Researcher N. V. Rukolyanska notes: «knowledge of the ways of creation terms and models, in which they find themselves, promote the formation of the forecast on creation new terms by analogy, that will allow to predict conceptual content of new formations, […] that is connected with educational and scientific affair arrangement, normalization and further enrichment of legal terminology» [10, c. 235].
«To create a new word can be used different language tools, and the choice of the optimal method of nomination – complex process, it is determined by objective and subjective elements, external and internal factors» [8, c. 160–161]. Therefore, identification of the major regularities in the way of creation terms of constitutional law associated with the ordering of appropriate terminology, its normalization and determination of the best ways of terminological enrichment.
Actuality of theme caused by the need of linguistic research and describing of word creative characteristics of terms for definitions of concepts in the field of constitutional law.
The aim of the article is the study and description features of suffix and prefixes derivation ways of Ukrainian terms of constitutional law. The goal includes the following tasks: 1) explore derivational processes of terminology of constitutional law; 2) describe the features of terms creation with affixal way.
Object of research is Ukrainian terminology of constitutional law. Subject of research is affixal word formation of terms of this branch of law.
Source base of work served lexicographical works on constitutional law of Ukraine. Particularly large volume dictionaries, whose authors are: П. Шляхтун [12]; Ю. Бисага, М. Палінчак [1]; Л. Наливайко, М. Беляєва [7]; and small in size, placed in textbooks, manuals, etc. of authorship: З. Гладун, М. Федчишин [2]; В. Кравченко [5]; С. Лисенков [5]; В. Теліпко [11]. For word-formative analysis of one-word terms with method of continuous sampling worked 662 terms, which representing about 21% of the total number of terms of constitutional law.
Analysis of the current state of constitutional law terminology, in particular trends and developments in terms creation of this branch allows to distinguish a number of derivational patterns, that contribute to the production of its terminology.
Suffixation. One of the most common affixal ways of creating terms of constitutional law is the suffix method. Its essence consists in joining national or borrowed suffixes to the basics of different part. In the suffix method creation bases can be verbal, noun, adjective.
For convenience, the description of word formation by various methods singled derivation derivative models of different ways of word formation. Word creative model called the schema of words creation within the same word-formative type, which does not affect their derivational semantics, but have different morphological characteristics [6, c. 193]. Suffix method of terms creation of constitutional law represented by such models:
Verb basis + suffix -нн(я) – (V + -нн(я)). For these suffixes motivators are the basics of verb. Terms which are created with suffixes -нн(я), denote a process or action, focused on the object. Often the basis for the generators of terms containing the suffix -ува. For the creation of terms per this model are also used allomorphs -анн(я), -енн(я). For example: відання, голосування, засідання, звання, значення, клопотання, надбання, обрання, опитування, повстання, помилування, скликання, відрядження, населення, оповіщення, положення.
Occur many cases, when the suffix -нн(я) connected to foreign generators basics, for example: адміністрування, балотування, блокування, делегування, дерегулювання, конституювання, панаширування, пікетування. There were also the creation of composites by using these suffixes: віросповідання, волевиявлення, правопорушення, престолонаслідування, самовизначення, самоврядування.
Adjective basis + suffix -ість – (Adj + -ість). This is one of the most productive models of one-word terms of constitutional law. Suffix -ість attached to generators basics of adjectives and creates terms that express properties of objects and often point to generic abstract trait: бездомний → бездомність, безпритульний → безпритульність, відомчий → відомчість, власний → власність, виборний → виборність, відповідальний → відповідальність, гласний → гласність, довірений → довіреність, законний → законність, змагальний → змагальність, місцевий → місцевість.
Should be noted that the suffix -ість can also be added to the borrowing and international basics: диспозитивний → диспозитивність, емерджентний → емерджентність, інстанційний → інстанційність, колегіальний → колегіальність, конституційний → конституційність, легальний → легальність, легітимний → легітимність, національний → національність, преюдиціальний → преюдиціальність.
Formant -ість performs derivational function in complex terms: багатопартійність, деліктоздатність, дієздатність, єдиноначальність, законотворчість, миротворчість, правоздатність, правосвідомість, правосуб’єктність, правотворчість.
Noun basis + suffix -ств(о) -цтв(о) – (N + -ств(о) -цтв(о))
This is another wordforming model with high productivity. Besides suffix -ств(о), in the creation of terms is used also allomorphs -цтв(о). These suffixes often create words from the noun, that indicating the person, as well as abstract concepts. Formants combined with a national and international generators basics. For example, -ство: громадянство, батьківство, верховенство, відомство, воєводство, графство, громадянство, князівство, королівство, міністерство, підданство, підприємство, регентство, флібустьєрство; -цтво: місництво, представництво, сумісництво, заступництво, підприємництво, свідоцтво.
These affixes also characterized in the ongoing performance of complex words such as: багатогромадянство, законодавство, самодержавство, судочинство.
In the derivatives words for the creation of noun with derivational meaning "bearer of procedural action", the following Ukrainian suffixes are used: -ант, -ець, -ик, -ник, -ар, -ач. These suffixes attached to the noun and verb Ukrainian and international basis: автократ, адвокат, делегат, кандидат, біженець, виборець, іноземець, вибірник, виборщик, політик, захисник, керівник, посередник, комісар, спостерігач.
For certain derivational suffixes in the terminology of constitutional law inherent low productivity: -к(а): відпустка, відставка, прописка; -ок: обов’язок, податок, притулок; -ищ: селище etc. Occur the nomination to refer the action name with suffix -ува: вотувати, пікетувати, головувати, керувати.
Prefixation. Compared with suffixation, prefixation as a method of creating the terms of constitutional law is less productive, it is represented by single examples. The peculiarity of this method of words creating is the fact, that derived words belong to the same part of language that also the motivation.
Prefixational creating of terms represented by the following morphemes:
без-: (indicates the absence of something): безгромадянство, бездомний, безпритульний, безробітний. It should take into account the pattern: if these words are motivated by a noun, then it prefixal method of derivation, for example: громадянство → безгромадянство. If these words are motivated by an adjective, then this is suffixal derivation method, for example: бездомний → бездомність.
не-: виборність → невиборність, відповідальність → невідповідальність, дієздатність → недієздатність, довіра → недовіра, залежність → незалежність, обраність → необраність, осудність → неосудність, резиденти → нерезиденти, сумісність → несумісність. This prefix has meaning of negation features, meaning of process. Researcher M. R. Protsyk says, that formed by this way nouns are antonyms regarding the reasoning words [9, c. 128].
For the following all selected derivational prefixes inherent low productivity, there are only a few cases of creating words with these affixes. These are prefixes анти- (with the value of denial): антиконституційність; до-: довибори; ре-: реприватизація, спів-: співтовариство.
Researcher I. M. Kochan singled out in the Ukrainian terminology over 200 international components, which in the words are used in the preposition [3, c. 57]. Regarding to constitutional law there is singled out only a few of them: бі-: біпатрид, біпатризм, біполід; де-: денатуралізація, денаціоналізація, деполітизація, дерегулювання, децентралізація, де-юре, де-факто; дис-: диспозиція; екс-: експатріант, експатріація, екстериторіальність, екстрадиція; контра-: контрасигнація, контрасигнатура.
So based on word-formative analysis of one-word terms of constitutional law can be traced hierarchy of use of affixed ways of creating terms. The most active among this type is the suffix derivation methods. With it are created the largest number of one-word terms of constitutional law. The majority of analyzed terms are derived from the verb basis. Most productive is the creation verbal noun per derivational models V + -нн(я), Adj + -ість.
For many derivational models of generators can be a as a national,, as well as borrowed from other languages or an international word. With the prefixes method of word formation are created significantly fewer terms of constitutional law compared to the suffixes method. Prefixal terms creation represented by morphemes без-, не- etc. For creation of new terms are used also international components: бі-, де-, екс- etc.