Deformations rocks Uman, Novograd-Volynsk and Novoukrainsk massif betvin the 2,02 – 2,05 ga tektonic research

: pp. 150-162
Received: December 15, 2014
S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Purpose. Lithosphere Ukrainian shield (US) presented of the mosaic blocks that have a different configurations in a different times and belong to different continental fragment in early Archaean probably. Geodynamic models are exist in the present time of the northwestern (Volyn, Bug, Rosinsk blocks) and central (Ingul block) parts of the US that are not related. Construction of a common model geodynamic development of the entire western part of the US is not yet possible in the Proterozoic that is important to solve paleogeodynamic issues in the Precambrian. The field work of the studies the structures of the crust and stress fields was acquired within the western and central parts of the US. Stress fields serve as the basis for establishing the nature and direction of the forces that led to the formation of structure of the crust in the region between 2.02 - 2.05 Ga. To substantiate the idea of rotation of the western part of the central board counterclockwise in the time interval 2,02-2,05 Ga. Methodology. Applied structural and paragenetic (SPMT) and kinematic (KMT) methods tectonic, which in most cases can be used in combination. This allows to extend the time period during which the deformation processes occurring in the study area. Results. Kinematic of the western part of the US was investigate as a result of the tectonophysical study of the fracturing Uman’, Novograd-Volyn, Novoukainka massifs by their cooling 2,02 – 2,05 Ga. It is found that the regional tectonic stress field of the western part of the shield with the current axis stretching north-east orientation is most likely imaginary, as within the region there isn’t system faults, which should have been formed in this field. It is more likely that the fracture of rocks western part of the shield formed in the stress field acting axis stretching north-west orientation (kherson-smolensk stage), but due to the rotation of the western part of 67˚ counterclockwise ~ 2.0 Ga, now restored as a field northeast. Unified palaeo field of the tectonic stresses has restored for nemirovsk and lelekovsk stages. Originality. It is shown that the US had not fully consolidated structure and some of it’s blocks could return relative to each in ~ 2,0 Ga. Practical significance. The results of field work contribute to the study of rocks fracturing for use in solving geodynamic problems.

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