Ukrainian shield

Recent deformations of the Earth's crust in Ukraine based on GNSS network data from GEOTERRACE AND SYSTEM.NET

The paper analyzes the recent trends of horizontal and vertical displacements of Ukraine's territory based on the GeoTerrace and System.Net GNSS network data. This includes the construction of relevant movement maps and the selection of deformation zones of the upper crust. The object of research is horizontal and vertical deformations of the upper crust. The goal is to identify and analyze deformation zones in Ukraine's territory.

Area-wide 2D and quasi-3D geoelectric models of the Earth's crust and upper mantle as a possible evidence of recent tectonic activity in the western part of the Ukrainian Shield

The purpose of the presented work was to model the electrical conductivity distribution in the northwestern part of the Ukrainian shield and to study the relationship of geoelectric anomalies with natural mineral deposits and with signs of possible tectonic activation of long-lived fault systems on the Shield. The methodology was based on long-period magnetotelluric and magnetovariational measurements in the period range of 3-16 to 2500-3600 s.

The link of radon and magnetic anomalies on the territory of Ukrainian shield and Kyiv

The aim of this research is to detect the connection between geomagnetic and radon anomalies in the area of  Kyiv Ukraine,  studying the geoecological situation of the territory, and assessing its ecological safety. Geomagnetic and radon abnormal fields are significant geophysical factors of the environment, which largely determine the ecological state.

Results of monitoring hydrogeodynamics groundwater parameters in aseismic regions of Ukraine (Dnepropetrovsk region)

The preliminary interpretation results of monitoring data of hydrodynamic parameters of groundwater in Dnepropetrovsk region for the purpose of neotectonic changes forecast in the massifs are given. The necessity of creation the national data base of monitoring results of groundwater hydrodynamic parameters, executed at all regions of Ukraine, is pointed out.

Pecularities of application of methods of geodynamical prospecting within Ukrainian shield and Transcarpathians

On the examples of various geological situations (Ukrainian Shield and Transcarpathian deep) are shown the efficiency of applying of geophysical method as to searching of tectonics, geodynamics and geological prognosis

Prognosis of geological medium of the Earth crust on materials of DSS and petrophysical thermobaric research of the mineral matter

Some features of methodical means of petrovelocity thermobaric modeling have been considered. Аn example of the construction of a deep petrovelocity model of a crust part of the Ukrainian Shield is given and analysed.

Stress-strain state of Rosynsk block of the shield for upstream of the Ros’ river (Fursy – Borschahivka)

The purpose of this work is to fulfill tectonophysical study of the Earth's crust of the area of the river Ros upstream, followed by the petrological and isotope-geochemical study of rocks for the subsequent construction of geodynamic model of the western part of the Ukrainian shield (USH). Until recently, this part of the USH was the least studied using geological and geophysical methods. This article presents new results of tectonophysical and geological study of the area upper crust, performed in 2015.

Features of the deep structure of Kirovograd ore district according to the seismic data

seismogeological model of the Kirovograd ore district, it reflects its modern deep structure. The new interpretation of the seismic data has identified a correlation surface structures in the region with a relief Moho and local inhomogeneities of the crust. As a result, the connection established areas with a high concentration of ore with deep sublatitudinal deflection in the relief of the Moho. Originality For the first time MCWE seismic data processed using statistical analysis, maps of Moho, K2 and seismogeological 3D model of the Kirovograd ore district. The practical significance.

Geotectonic studies of the basement of the Ukranian shield based on geologic-formation approach: key findings

Purpose. To present the summary of findings of the geotectonic analysis of the basement of the Ukrainian Shield (US) and to give grounds for the specific conditions of its formation in the Early Precambrian. Methodology. Conducting analysis using the latest results of the of morphoparagenetic geological-formational studies and concepts as to the layer-block structure of the region. Results.