Gravity and magnetic complex for oil and gas prospecting

: pp. 121 - 123
Received: July 31, 2013
Oil Gas Scientific Research Project Institute, SOCAR, Baku, Azerbaijan

Purpose. The aim of research is the search for oil and gas gravity magnetic prospecting in the Middle Kur depression Azerbaijan. Methodology. Methods of field work is to conduct a gravity magnetic observations along the rectilinear sections parallel placed on the study area in order to obtain correlated relationships between the respective fields. In this step of observation, mainly applied to 100 m, and the distance between the profiles - 500-700 m. Results. It was found that over the known deposits Muradkhanli, Jafarli, Zardab Middle Kur depression marked local gravity and magnetic minima. The local gravity and magnetic maxima marked regional background, corresponds to the upward formed from volcanic rocks of Mesozoic age, with high effective density and magnetic susceptibility. A dedicated local minima on the background of these peaks correspond to the oil reservoir mounted drilling. The intensity of the gravity and magnetic minima that bind to oil and gas deposits, up to 0.4 mGal and 30 nT and more. Analysis of the gravity-magnetic studies conducted in different areas of the Middle Kur depression showed that the anomalies associate with oil and gas content can be identified with confidence in the observed gravity-magnetic fields. Based on the analysis results of core analysis of wells in the SE part of the Middle Kur depression it found that the magnetic susceptibility in sediments of hydrocarbon deposits is reduced by several times. At the same time it drew attention to themselves and the fact that increasing the temperature of fallow, allowing a decrease in the density of rocks in subvertical zone of deposit and promotes the appearance of a significant gravitational effect of a few tens miligals share. It is indicated that it is oil and gas leads to a change in the physical properties of the overlying and surrounding reservoir rock. Migration of light fractions of hydrocarbons in the upper layers affect the physical properties of the rocks on the reservoir. Originality. The presence of a kind of "construction" in the geological environment created by oil and gas, as well as the formation of subvertical zones of fallow, evaluated some of the physical parameters of the zone. Practical significance. The research results will enable a more secure areas of exploration for oil and gas in Middle Kur depression.

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