The article deals with complex administrative and legal means that provide protection and protection of the child as a full-fledged subject of the information environment. The theoretical and practical significance of administrative and legal regimes in regulating the activity of the information environment is analyzed. The solution to this problem requires the use of complex administrative and legal tools that are able to provide protection and protection of the child as a full-fledged legal entity in the information environment, to promote the safe and responsible use of new media and to counter the spread of illegal online practices. These are the remedies of administrative and legal nature that are administrative and legal regimes. In order to solve this problem, the article uses general scientific and special methods. Using the formal-analytical method, the definition of the administrative-legal regime was analyzed. The method of systematic analysis allowed us to establish the importance of administrative and legal regimes regarding the respect of children's rights in the information environment. The national and international normative acts were analyzed using the comparative-legal method for the purpose of fixed norms of observance of the rights of the child in the information environment and the main gaps in this area were identified at the legislative level. In particular, it was found that legislative provisions need to be addressed regarding the privacy and security of the child's personal data in the virtual space. This method also provides recommendations for improving public policy strategies for the development of a child-friendly information environment.
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