Principles of interaction of state government and opposition in Ukraine: the constitutional-legal aspect

: 224-232

Kovalchuk V., Pyvovar M. "Principles of interaction of state government and opposition in Ukraine: the constitutional-legal aspect"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article analyzes the principles of interaction between state power and opposition, focuses on the content and nature of each. The authors’ proposals on their legislative fixing and regulatory regulation of mechanisms for their implementation are provided. It is noted that the legal and factual conditions for the peaceful coexistence of state power and opposition are the benchmark for assessing the democratic maturity of any political system. The authors of the article draw attention to the fact that in the conditions of democratic transformation the important factors in the relations between the authorities and the opposition are: political tolerance, constructive dialogue and shared responsibility, which are essential factors for the establishment of a legal state. Attention is drawn to the fact that the government and the opposition are components of a unified public-power mechanism, since control over the governing power which is exercised by opposition parties is inherently a process of rule. Having analyzed the experience of foreign countries and the peculiarities of the establishment of a democratic regime in Ukraine, the authors of the article concluded that it is necessary to establish at the level of the Constitution of Ukraine the right to opposition activity, and at the level of legislation to stipulate specific principles of interaction between the authorities and the opposition and regulate the mechanism of their practical implementation. The formal side of resolving this complex issue is only one of the factors behind its positive resolution. However, in the conditions of democratic transformation, it can become the legal basis for positive changes in the political life of the state, which: first, will allow the opposition to become a real subject of constitutional- legal relations; secondly, they will ensure the constitutional control and accountability of political parties and their leaders, both in parliament and beyond of it, for actions that threaten the sovereignty of the state and human rights; third, they will establish a system of values that will become an integral element of the domestic constitutional tradition.

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