
Problems of harmonization of national legislation to international legal standards

The article presents and analyzes the key theoretical and methodological problems and prospects for the harmonization of national legislation to international legal standards. Four stages of harmonization processes are distinguished: the stage of formation of the national legal mechanism (program) of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with international legal standards.

Harmonization as a rational mode of bringing national legislation to international legal standards

The article presents and analyzes the key theoretical and methodological problems and prospects for the harmonization of national legislation to international legal standards. Four stages of harmonization processes are distinguished: the stage of formation of the national legal mechanism (program) of harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with international legal standards.

A specific of the interaction of the investigator with the operational units during investigation of criminal offences, explosives and explosive devices related to illegal turnover

The article examines the specifics of the investigator's interaction with operational and investigative units during the investigation of criminal offenses related to the illicit trafficking of explosives and explosive devices, the investigator's interaction with operational services at the stage of reviewing information about the crime, differences in interaction interaction and the procedure for involving operational staff in joint activities.

Scientific and theoretical rationale for the formation of the principle of cooperation and partnership in civil legal relations

One of the core elements of civil law are its principles. The system of civil law principles is subject to a constant change. Its number, as well as the number of other civil legal institutes, becomes broader and extensive. One may find scientific theoretical discussion about the formation of cooperation principle and principle of partnership in civil and other types of relations. The legal forms of interaction between the subjects of social relations are different and they are known in all branches of law.

The state and institutions of the civil society relationships in the field of militarized bodies of the state authority activity

The article attempts to determine the place of civic society institutions’ activity in the functioning of militarized state authorities. There are outlined the examples of cooperation between civic society institutions and the National Police, the Armed
Forces of Ukraine, the State Criminal-Executive Service, also in the article are described the mechanisms of such interaction. The problem of the boundary between assistance and the transfer of functions between civic society institutions and state authorities is considered.

Stage analysis of dynamics of public organizations in the context of interaction of the state and civil society

Problem setting. The current development of Ukraine as a state, which constantly announces its path as irreversibly democratic, makes for more effective cooperation between state authorities and civil society institutions in all spheres of social and political life.

Problems of providing transport security of Ukraine: regulatory background

Problem setting. Despite the enormous number of human casualties in transport accidents, as well as the enormous human toll, it is important to recognize the importance of transport safety. Unfortunately, for the time being, neither the authorities nor the public have this understanding. In particular, this is evidenced by the fact that there are practically no regulatory acts that are directly aimed at solving the problem of transport safety. There is no transport safety law, no proper concept and strategy for transport safety.

Theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of intercultural communication in public administration

Problem setting. Regular contacts between representatives of different cultures determine the need to solve problems that always arise in the form of the need to adapt representatives of one culture in the conditions of their existence in another culture. It is important to understand that the cooperation of such entities on a professional basis also requires the development of approaches that would allow a high level of effectiveness of such interaction. A special role should be played by public authorities and management, designed to implement the relevant functions.

Hate interactions as an element of the information war and violence

Abstract. Behind the tokens of aggression and intolerance is the will of communicators and «their» understanding of moral values and principles, as well as the concept of freedom of communication and justice. The level of consciousness of the recipient, the speaker – is different: it regulates the maximization or minimization of the choice of communication tools. The maximum level of incorrectness of statements on social networks sometimes reaches administrative offenses – Article 173 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.