Knowledge management as a tool of enterprise innovation support

Received: September 24, 2015
Accepted: September 24, 2015

N.V. Smolinska, I.I. Hrybyk

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article points out that the peculiarity of an enterprise conforming to the new economic conditions, is recognizing knowledge as a basic tool for creating competitive advantages, adoption and implementation of initiatives aimed at managing knowledge. The difference between the concepts of «knowledge» and «information» are specified. One of the features that distinguish knowledge from information is that knowledge depends on context and subjective conditions of its use; it is closely linked with the person while information may exist independently.

Organizational form of a self-developing enterprise is the result of a continuous process of learning, using knowledge and intellect. Similarly, we can assume that the organizational culture of the self-developing enterprise will result in generating experience in its self-learning process. Therefore, the formation of the mentioned culture sample is essential for the enterprise’s development. The article points out the basic norms and values representing culture of a self-developing enterprise. The company that is self-developing should implement the following goals: to ensure the development of employees, increase the value of intellectual capital and its use, obtain competitive advantages as well as achieve the expected results and objectives by both the employees and the enterprise itself.

The article considers basic concepts and methods of human capital management and establishes that their application is possible and peculiar to mature companies only. Maturity in this context is early positive experience in making decisions concerning quality management, outsourcing, knowledge management, management of relations with clients etc.

It was established that the key components of a self-developing enterprise are: information, analysis, knowledge, communication serving to inflow and availability of knowledge; partnership as mutual learning and knowledge development, synergy, i.e. value added to the collective knowledge; knowledge culture, i.e. the system supporting continuous augmentation and improvement of enterprise’s intellectual capital

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