Electronic Commerce as a Tool for Ensuring Business Continuity in the Convention of the Covid19 Pandemic

: pp. 159 - 166
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

The COVID19 pandemic in 2019 dealt a severe blow to the economy of every country in the world. As a result of the closure of many businesses and stores, many consumers switched to online shopping – 84 % made online purchases during the pandemic. Shoppers began shopping outside their home country, which intensified online competition. In the first half of 2020, cross-border e-commerce grew by 21 %.

SOLMAR LLC, which is a leader in the Ukrainian market for the production and sale of basic women’s clothing, was chosen to study e-commerce business processes. The main types of e-commerce of the researched enterprise are B2C and B2B. The company has 8 offline stores, a web-site, Insta- gram with more than 600 thousand subscribers, went to Rozetka and Amazon.

The consumers of the enterprise include women aged 14–50. Turksell and Akademi Textile are the key suppliers that ensure timely delivery of materials and orders. Among the main competitors of SOLMAR LLC are FAMO, VOVK, Fashionista, ByOn. The main partners of the company are: SKYUP, PrivatBank, Nova Poshta, Avivi, ROZETKA, Amazon. According to the B2B form, the com- pany cooperates with the following corporate clients: «SkyUP»; AstraDent; BROOKLYN. According to the NPS survey, the level of consumer loyalty to the brand is 86%. According to the pricing policy, the company is middle-class and offers high quality at a fairly low price on the market compared to competitors.

The business process of e-commerce of SOLMAR LLC was evaluated. It is established that e- commerce B2C LLC «SOLMAR» in the peak period of sales has a high profitability. The financial and economic condition of the enterprise in 2017-2020 is estimated by a number of indicators and on their basis the taxonomic indicator of the level of development is calculated. The taxonomic indicator of the level of development in 2020 deviates from its value in 2019 by only 0.002 points. It was con- cluded that the introduction of e-commerce allowed SOLMAR LLC not only to continue economic ac- tivity in the COVID19 pandemic, but also to increase profits from sales of goods, increase its market share and increase the value of its product to consumers.

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