The article analyses the place and role of international institutions in the process of transitional justice. It is determined that the concept of transitional justice is a system of mechanisms and tools implemented in a country that is in a state of transition from armed conflict to post-conflict period or from totalitarian to democratic regime. Examining international practice, it was found that the concept and directions of transitional justice are constantly evolving and improving both through the efforts of the countries themselves, and due to the active participation of various international institutions. It is proved that, on the one hand, international institutions contribute to the strengthening of local civil society, which in the future will have a positive impact on transitional justice. On the other hand, individual transitional justice measures, such as trials, truth commissions or reparations, can often catalyse the development of civil society institutions. International practice has shown that the concept and directions of transitional justice are constantly evolving and improving both the efforts of the countries themselves and due to the active participation of various international institutions.
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