Нeuristics of canon law: problems of spiritual pedagogy

: 95-100

Slyvka S. Нeuristics of canon law: problems of spiritual pedagogy.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

In canon law as a branch of philosophy of law, a special introduction to it, the relevance begins with the ontological interpretation of the problems of insightful contemplation of metaphysical theology. These problems arise in practical life, then begin again in lectures, continue in seminars and do not end in practical life. The quality of solving these problems is controlled by selected sciences, in particular spiritual pedagogy. The pedagogical activity of spiritual control is headed by the Church. Insight into metaphysical theology stems from Scripture and Sacred Tradition. These are traditions, ontological sources of theology in general and canon law in particular. This is a theory of canon law, which is often perceived in various ways.

From the text interpreting in accordance with existing religions. In fact, the theory of canon law must be as unique as the earthly Church. It is also about a common understanding of the offense in law, which is often debated. Obviously, the problem exists in man, his moral and legal mentality, which is formed through spiritual pedagogy. 

The main content of systematic thinking in canon law is reduced to the indomitability of the ontological spirit in the creation of a single, local Church on earth. But every religion, every denomination believes that their methodological principles in a single Church will be the main, leading, determining. Systemic thinking, in this case involves the unity of parts, the formation of the whole, the gestalt. But the focus is not on each individual part, but on the interaction between them, the connection, the unity. Therefore, in such thinking there is a primacy of the whole over the parts, the recognition of strict hierarchy, polysystemicity, etc. Such principles of systemic thinking do not allow a deep insight into the theory of canon law and the canonical system itself becomes closed, which does not lead to progress, to the natural synergy in faith.


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