Formulation of the problem. Military actions on the territory of Ukraine significantly affect the entire social structure of Ukraine. It is obvious that the war has a negative impact on the incomes of the entire population, particularly those living in rural areas. It should be noted that the standard of living of the population, including the rural population, is the main social criterion for the development of any country in the realities of the 21st century. It was found that the average incomes of the rural population of Ukraine are among the lowest in Europe, which makes their constant growth inevitable.
In this context, the author sets himself the task of outlining the problem of ensuring a constant increase in the incomes of the rural population after the end of the war. It is planned to be implemented with the formation of relevant conceptual provisions.
Analysis of recent research and publications. When performing this research, the works of foreign and Ukrainian scientists on the mentioned issues were comprehensively analyzed. According to the analysis of the research work of Bevir M., Rhodes R. The essence of distinctive interpretive theory and its aspects of possible application were clarified. Dyer C., Rose P substantiated the dependence of income on strengthening the capacity of local authorities. Ukrainian researchers Petrovskyi P., Matviyshyn E., Gogol T., Melnychuk L., Popok A., Gordienko L. analyzed various aspects of income and proposed appropriate theoretical constructions and practical mechanisms for their provision.
Distinguishing previously unsolved parts of the overall problem. Taking into account the military situation in Ukraine, it is quite difficult to carry out predictive studies of the post-war situation, therefore, individual problems of securing these revenues in the future period are only partially covered. Thus, the issues of formation of the theoretical basis of income, the role of territorial communities in increasing the population’s capabilities are understudied. That is why the proposed study highlights the conceptual foundations of ensuring the incomes of rural residents.
Presentation of the main material of the study. The article outlines the main problems of Ukrainian social development caused by Russia’s military aggression. The study presents a comparison of the incomes of the rural population of certain EU countries and Ukraine, where it was found that they are significantly lower in Ukraine. This actualizes the problems of the research and makes it necessary to find possible ways to increase these revenues. The corresponding principles of forming the conceptual foundations of such an increase have been determined. Taking into account the expediency of using theoretical constructions regarding the formation of these incomes, five components were developed. These components reveal the essence of conceptual foundations. The need to take into account the historical aspect of economic science is especially emphasized. This is due to the fact that the development of the social system should be based on previous achievements. At the same time, previous achievements undergo changes. It is concluded that previous scientific developments are an important methodological toolkit, which can now be used with some adaptation. The existing legal acts were evaluated in terms of their reality of use to ensure the growth of the income level of the rural population. The need to take into account the directions of social development with an orientation towards the European vector was especially noted. It was emphasized that there is no alternative to the implementation of attracting additional sources of financing and the priority of economic programs for the dynamic development of rural territorial communities, which will be the basis of ensuring the mentioned incomes. The mechanisms of involving researchers of various fields of knowledge in the formation of national, regional and local programs for the development of rural areas are substantiated. It is recommended to take into account the peculiarities of post-war development, economic, demographic and social conditions of a specific territorial community. The informational assistance of competent and interested structures has been identified as a significant lever for increasing these revenues
Conclusions. Argued conclusion about the necessity of applying the proposed conceptual foundations of ensuring the incomes of the rural population in post-war conditions. The proposals relate to directions and mechanisms for the implementation of these foundations. The priority of the participation of Ukrainian scientists in the development of these conceptual foundations is emphasized
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