Current state and prospects of ukrainian european integration

: 66-73

Chornobai O.
"Current state and prospects of ukrainian european integration"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article examines the current state and prospects of Ukrainian European integration from the point of view of approximation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the European Union, making appropriate changes in the regulatory framework of Ukraine and their implementation. Particular emphasis is placed on determining the specifics of the approximation of Ukrainian legislation in various fields, the problems of defining these processes and the difficulties that arise during their implementation. The current state of implementation of reforms in accordance with the tasks of the Association’s Agenda is analyzed, and the main problems are identified. Recommendations are given for solving these problems and provide conditions that will avoid them in the future. Given the peculiarities of Ukraine’s European integration process into the EU, these stages exclude the factor of synchronicity, which is replaced by a system of setting tasks and action plans and reporting on results. One of the most important factors that catalyzed the process of adaptation is Ukraine’s participation in the activities of the Council of Europe as a member and accession to conventions and other regulations and documents of this organization. In addition, membership in the Council of Europe is one of the key requirements for EU accession. Compliance with the requirements of the Council of Europe approximates the national legislation of Ukraine to the legal system of the European Union, as EU member states must also comply with them. It should be noted that the documents adopted by the Council of Europe are not binding, and there is no clear mechanism for imposing sanctions for ignoring these provisions. Thus, activity within the Council of Europe remains an opportunity rather than a mechanism for the effective adaptation of Ukrainian legislation, and therefore requires the creation of an additional institutional and legal framework by Ukraine to increase the effectiveness of the adaptation process. At the same time, it is expedient to talk about the implementation of international documents, namely acts issued by the Council of Europe, as the approximation of Ukrainian legislation to them best fits this definition, given the wide range of issues of adaptation.

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