The study is based on the approach of scientists to distinguish three levels of the digital economy, when the 1st level covers: information services; telecommunications; software and IT consulting; production of components.
For the study of the 1st level of the digital economy in Ukraine, the following types of economic activity (TEA) were selected: production of computers, electronic and optical products; publishing software; telecommunications (electrical communications); computer programming, consulting and related activities; provision of information services. These TEA were evaluated according to the following indicators: volumes of sold products (goods, services); the number of employed workers; personnel costs. The sample was formed for the period 2012–2021. Statistical methods, methods of comparison and generalization were used in the research.
Programming, consulting and related activities show the highest rate of increase in the volume of implementation during the studied period. The smallest growth is observed in the field of telecommunications, which is explained by the fact that the volume of implementation of communication services in the base year of 2012 exceeded other foreign trade several times. The production of computers, electronic and optical products in 2021 reached the highest value during the studied period. In 2017–2018 and in 2021, the provision of information services in terms of growth rates exceeded computer programming, consulting and related activities.
The number of employees in the field of computer programming, consulting and related activities increased by 3.49 times over ten years, and in the field of information services – by 2.55 times. Despite the growth in sales of computers, electronic and optical products, and communication services, the number of employees at these TEA decreased significantly during the period under study. In 2019–2021, the growth trend of employed workers in the following areas was approximately the same: software publishing, computer programming, consulting and related activities; provision of information services. During the studied period, the costs per employee were the highest in the field of telecommunications. Since 2019, spending per employee in computer programming, consulting and related activities has been the lowest.
The results of the research can be used to form an information base for making managerial decisions at various levels of the economy.
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