Medical terms with cardi(o)- and heart components in modern Ukrainian language

: pp. 51 - 54

Germanovych G. Medical terms with cardi(o)- and heart components in modern Ukrainian language // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components cardi(o)- and Ukrainian equivalent heart have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange was brought up. It has been defined their productivity and word formation mobility. The outlook of the article is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

Ukrainian medical terms-composites with international components cardi(o)-and Ukrainian equivalent heart have been studied in the article. The problem of their interchange was brought up. The article defines their productivity and word formation mobility.

The outlook of the article is that the terms with somatic components need further studying concerning determination of their productivity and mobility.

The aim of the article is to characterize the Ukrainian medical terms with the somatic components cardi(o)- and heart- according to lexical and semantic groups and relations, to identify their word formation mobility in modern Ukrainian literary language. The object of the research is medical terms with somatic components. The research subject is their lexical and semantic features, peculiarities of terms with borrowing and national components. The material was taken from: «Dorland’s Medical illustrated Dictionary» (2007), «Ukrainian-Latin-English Explanatory Dictionary» edited by M.Pavlovskyi, L.Petrukh, I.Golovko and others(1995), «Explanatory Dictionary of Medical Terms» by N.Lytvynenko, N.Misnyk (2010), «New Dictionary of Loan Words» L.I. Shevchenko, O.І.Niky, О.І.Khomyak, А.А.Demyanyuk (2008) and «Dictionary of Foreign Words» by P. Shtep (1977).

The actuality of the research of terms with somatic components has been caused by necessity to identify the specificity of the somatic symbol in term-composite and determine lexical and semantic peculiarities of words with such components.

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