Canonical pedagogy in metaphysical law

 Цитування за ДСТУ: Сливка С. (2023).  Канонічна педагогіка в метафізичному праві. Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: "Юридичні науки". Т. 10. № 4(40). С. 33-42.  

Citation APA: Slyvkа S. (2023).  Canonical pedagogy in metaphysical law. Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Legal Sciences. Vol. 10, No. 4(40), pp. 33-42.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

Views on upbringing, learning, education, development are always relevant, because different ideas of the influence of some people on others are the subject of research in many sciences. Earthly life, the spiritual environment requires every time to withdraw the mind from earthly, sensual concerns, and turn to spiritual supersensual, inaccessible mental problems that affect the ontological life activity of a person, which is regulated by the relevant norms.

 By and large, we are talking about general pedagogy in positive law, about vital pedagogical knowledge, which is recognized as profound - soulful, spiritual. But this is not enough. This knowledge is fully justified by God's providence and is highlighted in theological literature. It follows that there are such types of pedagogy as ordological (bodily), existential (spiritual) and transcendental (spiritual). I believe that it is appropriate (in this case) to combine them into the concept of canonical pedagogy.

Metaphysical law is a natural-supernatural secret writing, imbued with the spirit of wisdom, a cryptological method designed for the action of human supersensible principles. A special coded ontological code was created by divine eternity in order to obtain naturally permissible life innovations for the creative cognitive process of life. The metaphysical law, created by supernatural man on the basis of knowledge of natural and supernatural laws, natural phenomena, natural laws, contains theological motives of life, the meaning of the natural existence of the inner man and his salvation from evil. It is clear that metaphysical law works with positive law, natural law, canon law, ecclesiastical law, philosophy of law and pedagogy through spiritual unity and synergy.

Let's resort to the following research algorithm: metaphysical law-canonical pedagogy - pedagogy in metaphysical law - canonical-law laboratory.

Metaphysical man needs metaphysical law and metaphysical pedagogy, despite the fact that man is currently most concerned with physical, bodily issues. Solving earthly concerns does not at all free a person from future heavenly cares. The current restless thoughts have reason to exist. Bodily ordological restlessness must be satisfied by the settlement of the future unearthly with the help of earthly means. Metaphysical law is such a tool.

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