
Canonical pedagogy in metaphysical law

Views on upbringing, learning, education, development are always relevant, because different ideas of the influence of some people on others are the subject of research in many sciences. Earthly life, the spiritual environment requires every time to withdraw the mind from earthly, sensual concerns, and turn to spiritual supersensual, inaccessible mental problems that affect the ontological life activity of a person, which is regulated by the relevant norms.

Concepts of legal culture as a compositionof a democratic legal state

Building a democratic, rule of law is unthinkable without affirmation of justice, legal andmaterial protection of the individual, mutual responsibility of the individual and the state, improvementof legislation and legal culture as a whole. State-legal and national-cultural revival is possible only oncondition of respect for its own history, its philosophical and philosophical humanistic traditions, whichunderlie our mentality, determine the nature of the nation and the essence of legal culture.

The role of national consciousness phenomenon in the state-legal space

The article analyzes the problem of national identity value for the state-legal space. It’s positioned that consciousness of separate individual creates views, ideas, feelings about current or desired law, state, social and governmental processes. In state-government activities – national consciousness of the individual affects not only on the individual level, but also generates comprehensive national mass intentions.

Mental properties of legal consciousness

In the article the theoretical aspects of the content of the legal mentality are analyzed. Particular attention is focused on the question of man’s place in the mentality (anthropology mentality). The attention is paid on the primary human factor – consciousness in conjunction with the subconscious. Particularly relevant for the legal right mentality is mental law, subconscious law and legal consciousness. These all concepts arised from natural and supernatural law and are clarified and specified whether legal anthropology.

Philosophical and legal determinants of mentality anthropology

Substantiation and the formation of at least three factors in the legal science are always important: the legal ideology, the idea of national law and national law. The legal ideology is natural for the person. A person perceives the world through legal categories, which are based on permissions and prohibitions. Even without knowledge of the basic areas of law, he creates a legal world by means of innate laws (biological, physical, mental, etc.), which are often found in morality, customs, traditions or other social and ideological norms

The influence of morality on mental causes of criminality

The article is an attempt to analyze causes of criminality which result exclusively from the mentality of a person, nation, people. In particular, these include: racial affiliation, religious convictions, level of militancy, feeling of inferiority, envy. The notions of mentality and morality are characterized. The list of basic functions of morality, their content, importance, and influence on mental causes of criminality are elucidated.