: 28-37
Department of Design and Architecture Fundamentals, Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Architectural Design
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Architectural Design

The article studies the problem of editable thematic decor in the residential interior as a relevant social phenomenon that has historically contingent genesis and significant potential for development in the future. It has been found that the complex analysis of editable thematic interior decor as a modern public demand is insufficiently reflected in scientific sources.

Under current conditions of globalization and social mobility, the number of people who want to periodically decorate their homes for holidays grows, although these actions are of ancient origin and ethno-cultural decor traditions are varied. The changes in public priorities concern the theme of the editable decor more than the desire to use it in houses. Most people should occasionally solve the problem of arranging festive decorative elements in the interior which often means a temporary malfunction of the residential space. The appearance of editable thematic interior decor was originally connected with sacral, magical functions, that’s why in the traditions of many cultures a common approach to arranging decorative elements has been created. The decor protects the main constructional elements of a house and the points of contact of the interior and exterior. In modern homes these are entrance and balcony doors, windows, a fireplace - they are frequently decorated even nowadays. It is possible to identify the places where the residents will arrange festive decorations in the future and make their tasks easier at the stage of an architectural project. In order to do this we need to identify special free places and spaces for the periodical arrangement of the decor by equipping them with the necessary infrastructure; to create an attachment system for the decor. This issue requires further study, in particular in the creation of a potential platform for cooperation in different scientific spheres.

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