In artistic and stylistic terms, the architecture of Lviv's sacred buildings during the 16th-18th centuries was marked by a variety of appearances. The builders paid great attention to the plastic expressiveness of the building. The facades of sacred buildings were richly decorated, had a clear system of horizontal divisions of cornices and belts, carved in stone with ornamental carvings window frames, and portals of entrances.
The role of portals in the decoration of the church ensemble of the Assumption of the Virgin in Lviv is shown. The peculiarities of the use of decorative stone carvings in the plastic design of the facades of sacred buildings during the Renaissance in Lviv are considered on the example of the portals of the Assumption Cathedral, the Chapel of the Three Saints, and the bell tower. The compositional and stylistic features of the Renaissance portals of the temple ensemble are analyzed. In order to physically preserve unique portals, outstanding works of art, and architecture, comprehensive measures for their restoration are outlined.
Vuytsyk V., 2004. Selected works. Architectural ensemble of the Assumption Brotherhood-restoration and renovation // Visnyk Ukrzahidproektrestavratsiya №14, Lviv - p.37
Vuytsyk V.S., Lypka R.M., 1987. Meeting with Lviv. Guidebook. - Lviv: Kamenyar Publishing House - p. 27-31
Zholtovsky P.M., 1967. Icon painting. History of Ukrainian art: in 6 volumes. Volume 2. Art of the 16th - first half of the 17th century. Kyiv: Kyiv Book Factory "October" - p.90.
Tregubova T.O., Mykh R.M., 1989. Lviv: Architect.-East, essay. - K .: Builder, - 272 p.
Yablonsky DN, 1955. Portals in Ukrainian architecture. Kyiv: AA USSR Publishing House - 142 p.