: 3-12
Lviv Polytechnic National University Department of Architectural Environment Design
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The results of the First World War did a major change in geo-political map of Europe. Poland obtained independence and started another stage of it's state building. Polish authorities had a complicated task in both economical and ideological aspects. The economical one included overpassing the stagnation of economic and modernizing, balancing economical development of very different level regions. The ideological one included creating of solid national state in conditions of having many ethnic groups and co-existion of some powerful religious confessions. Forming the national identity and creating a concept of “what does it mean to be a Pole” were the most necessary terms of statebuilding.

Catholicism played a major role in forming the special Polish identity in time period between World wars. In fact, being a pole meant being a catholic. The church progressed from religious-only institution into important and powerful tool for creating state and nation. And church architecture became an important way for visualizing Polish indentity of that time. It was formed with the tenet of creating national state, sanctified with one religion. That is the reason why it is possible to observe  use of historical styles forms which may be called “national” (“the Sigmund's renessaince”, “the Upper-Visla gothic”) in the roman-catholic sacral architecture. They were also modernized and connected to the international modernism style. This was a great example of addressing own roots and in the same time – national modernization while building a single-nation state.

The important traits of the Ukrainian architects' creative work were the urge towards using  highlights of the national heritage and achieving the unity of national and international, of ancient and modern. The national traditions were rethought according to stylistic trends of the new time. They were developed and refreshed, pointing at the awakening of people's conciousness and it's spiritual progress.

According to this, much attention was connected to the exceptional role of the church (roman-catholic for Poles and greco-catholic for Ukranians) and infulenced the style of sacral building. Because namely the shape was to visualize the ideological messages of the Polish state and was a carrier and manifestation of the national resurrection in that time. Intense building of sacral structures in time period between World wars has lead to stringed stylish mosaic of their architecture. Vernacularism and historism were co-existing with ar deco motives and functionalism. We may talk about creative competition and in the same time – mixing of two philosophic professional outlooks – historism and modernism. Historism was connected to visualization of national identity of the people and legitimation of it's presence at this land. Modernism was reflecting global trend of searching new style and new architecture paradigm which looked only into the future. Such paradigm was also built in Poland but they did not forget their own history and struggle.

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