: 125-131
Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Department of Technology of Building Industry

The article gives a methodology for calculating the payback periods and the corresponding results for the options of shopping center construction. Analysis of literary sources showed that the construction of shopping centers is an urgent task. At the same time, it is necessary to link organizational, financial decisions and payback period at the initial stage of the project to choose the optimal model for project implementation. There were conducted organizational modeling in project management software and economic modeling using mathematical packages. This allowed building the reliable models for the shopping center construction., the influence of the following factors was considered while the modelling: the financial ones (financing from own funds, loans and through leasing) and organizational (number of working hours per week and the coefficient of work alignment). Also, the values of the cost and duration indicators of construction were recorded. There were developed experimental and statistical models of cost and duration of construction with the help of methods of experiment planning and methods of statistical processing of numerical experiment results. On the basis of these models, the most typical models of construction were chosen: a model without restrictions and building processes alignment, the production of works is carried out at its own funds and during the standard working week; model with constraints of own funds, alignment of works, round-the-clock production. The choice of models was done due to the most common variants of realization of construction projects of this type. For these models, payback periods were calculated and analyzed. For the model without limits, the payback period was 42 months, 31 of which is the construction period; for the model with constraints – 18 months, 6 of which – the construction period.

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