Conceptual framework of ensuring of favorable institutional investment environment of regions

Received: October 20, 2016
Accepted: October 20, 2016
Institute of Market Problems and Economic and Ecological Research of NASU

It is considered in the article the conceptual framework of regulation of the institutional environment of investment processes, which include the ideological basis for the sustainable and viable development of investment system and complex mechanisms and measures that are to be practically implemented in order to achieve the objectives which are set out in the list of conceptual problems: maximization of volumes of new investments, stimulation of the reproduction of capital, which already works in the economic system of the country and regions. Conceptual trends provide a favorable institutional environment for investment process in Ukraine and its regions and include direct and indirect measures of the stimulating of domestic and foreign investments. Such measures should be characterized by vitality, that exert a positive stimulatory effect even after the termination of their direct action. It is applyed in this issue the experience of use of various tools of the stimulation of investments, which took place during the creation of free and special economic zones on the territory of the Ukrainian Black Sea and it is discovered that their main drawback is the low viability, i.e. tax and other economic incentives that can stimulate attraction of investments for the duration of their direct action cause to no significant changes in the institutional environment and the outflow of financial capital occurs immediately after the abolition of privileges.
It is proposed the conceptually economic regulators of investment activity, which apply high short and medium-term performance and can encourage investment in the economic system of separate territories, regions and countries, they also complement institutional regulation and the promotion of investments. Among these measures there are proposed the stimulants with organizational and informational nature in the form of permanent information support of investors, and the formation of investment brand of the regions, due to the providing of organizational support at the stage of launching of investment projects. All the measures that are mentioned in the article are to be used to ensure the formation of a positive business image of area, or region that acyually causes to be particularly relevant in the context a voluntary association of local communities.

The organizational and economic mechanism of stimulation of investment activities, which include measures of capitalization of information, consultation, permitting support of the project at an early stage with further investor's participation in the provision of financial support of the territorial community that is to be based on signed investment agreement.

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