: 22-33
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Considering the potential of the Lviv region, it is worth researching the determination of further development and identifying the attitude of tourists to the mystical tourism, whereas this destination can be perspective and bring additional money to the economy of the region and the country. That is why the authors conducted a sociological survey by questioning tourists to identify their attitude to the opportunities and prospects for the mystical tourism development in the Lviv region. In this scientific paper using descriptive statistics methods, authors summarize and analyze respondents' answers. A bivariate analysis (Pearson's χ2-test) was performed to identify the relationship between the various variables obtained during the sociological survey. A generalized matrix of χ2 and p-values was formed. The scientific paper considers the null hypothesis H0 that the analyzed variables are independent, and the alternative hypothesis H1 that variables are related to each other. Using χ2 statistics the authors obtain the following results that describe the profile of the tourist who is interested in the mystical tourism:
– there are the strong correlations between the gender of the tourist and his/her age; between the gender of the tourist and his/her sphere of activity; between the age of the respondent and the amount of money he/she is willing to spend per day during a tourist trip, his/her attitude to mystical places (objects) and his/her knowledge of mystical tourism;

– the most determining factor is the respondent's field of activity, especially when it comes to frequency of travel; sources of information used by respondents to plan a tourist trip; duration of the trip; visits to Lviv and knowledge of mystical tourism;
– the travel frequency is most correlated with the sources of information used by the respondents to plan the trip. There is the strong dependence of the respondents' travel frequency and the average duration of the travel and the availability of knowledge of mystical tourism;
– choosing an information source for planning a tourist trip significantly affects the length of the trip. Among information sources, that the most influence tourist's desire to re-visit Lviv is advice from relatives (friends, acquaintances) and online resources;
– the length of travel of the respondents (especially short-term, 1-2 days) correlates with their desire to visit Lviv (Lviv region) again, their knowledge of mystical tourism and their participation in mystical travels;
– after visiting Lviv (or Lviv region), tourists don’t form an opinion about the prospects for the mystical tourism development in the Lviv region. There is a strong correlation between the purpose of visiting Lviv and the desire to visit this city again.
According to the results of the survey, it was found that the respondents would be glad to visit the mystical places (objects) of the Lviv and the Lviv region, so it is advisable to further develop new tourist programs in this area.

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