University of State Tax Service of Ukraine
University of State Tax Service of Ukraine

The article proves that the domestic practice of implementing the concept of depreciation
policy Ukraine is ineffective. This justifies the need to rethink and improve the concept of
depreciation policy of Ukraine. The results of a comprehensive and systematic analysis of and
ways to improve the effectiveness of the investment potential tax depreciation policy as part of
the concept of strengthening the impact of taxation on investment activity author developed the
concept of tax depreciation policy. It is based on the subordination of tax depreciation policy
stimulation to increase efficiency and expand production of business entities, promoting the
use of depreciation on fixed assets due to investment tax rebate, tax harmonization and
economic depreciation properly reflect the accounting and statistics calculation process and the
use of depreciation. The basic measures of improvement of tax depreciation policy in Ukraine.
Among them, the authors proposed to adopt the concept of tax depreciation policy; abandon
the practice of using tax depreciation for fiscal purposes; introduce a condition requirements,
providing investment tax rebate of 100 per cent use of depreciation on capital investment;
improve the method of depreciation accelerated by reducing residual value; provide reliable
control and recording statistics and information on the calculation and use of depreciation;
provide an integrated interdisciplinary approach in education and science issues to the nature
and mechanisms of amortization.

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