
Information System for Evaluation of Investments in the Field of Information Technologies

Creating an information system for evaluating investments in the field of information technology is a relevant task as it influences the efficiency of resource utilization in this strategically important sector. Information technologies are rapidly evolving, and proper investment evaluation can contribute to maximizing profitability and reducing risks. The research highlights various approaches to addressing this issue, each defined by its own characteristics.

The essence and features of financing startup enterprises

The current state of development of Ukraine’s economy requires solving the problems of intensifying entrepreneurial activity, including in the form of startups. The results of the analysis of existing scientific works and practical materials made it possible to clarify the essence of a startup, which should be understood as the process of creating and bringing to the market an innovative product which requires attracting financial resources to promptly solve specific problems under conditions of high uncertainty.

Human capital as a basis for enterprise development

This article reveals the role of human capital in ensuring the effective functioning of the economic system and its intensive development as well as improving the quality of production processes in enterprises. The article studies the need for conducting economic research of complex elements of human resources management and identification of the place and role of a man in conditions of modern production.

Organizational Changes in the Activity of Enterprises in the Context of Urgent Crisis Management

Eliminating or reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the economic condition of an enterprise and ensuring its further effective development is closely related to the concept of organizational changes. On the one hand, urgent crisis management tools almost always cause such changes. On the other hand, crisis phenomena in the activities of a business entity lead to the need to introduce organizational changes. In this context, it is noted that it is important to diagnose such changes even before their practical implementation begins.

Perspective investment directions into ukrainian economy

Investments play a significant role in the development of any country's economy. For the country, investment creates the following positive effects: modernization of production facilities and processes; increase in production volumes; increased competition; infrastructure development, etc.

The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure of international investments in Ukraine and to form perspective directions for investing in the Ukrainian economy.

Specifics of tax-investment relations

The article highlights the problems of the existing arsenal of special methods of tax and legal impact on investment activities in Ukraine, in particular, such as: state tax support for investments, tax incentives and promotion of investments, tax exemption in the field of investment. The theoretical foundations of the tax and legal regulation of investment activities are summarized, and practical proposals for improving tax regulation related to investing are developed on their basis.


The article proves that the domestic practice of implementing the concept of depreciation
policy Ukraine is ineffective. This justifies the need to rethink and improve the concept of
depreciation policy of Ukraine. The results of a comprehensive and systematic analysis of and
ways to improve the effectiveness of the investment potential tax depreciation policy as part of
the concept of strengthening the impact of taxation on investment activity author developed the

Public legal activities of the state in the financial and investment sector

The analysis declared in article revealed issues that the world economic recession caused
by the global financial crisis, the role of public investment as one of the universally in all
industrialized countries instrument macroeconomic governance processes that help to reduce and neutralize the crisis in economics. Showing that an important role in the implementation
of the tasks given to finance, as investment activity of the state is one of the important areas of
financial regulation. Updated identify economic and legal nature, essence, meaning and role of

Analysis state investment competition in Ukraine

The article reveals the essence of investment competition and presents research of macroenvironment of enterprises of construction industry. Proved that attracting investment in the development of the national economy stands pressing issue today, because investment activity and investment in the country is a basic factor in the development of all sectors and particularly capital intensive, that is, the construction industry.

Системні аспекти інвестування в галузі інформаційних технологій

This article examines an issue of system aspects and investment features in IT sphere, state of IT market and its progress trend. An analysis of the types and investment features in IT, investment evaluation methods was implemented. Objectives tree was developed. A general algorithm structure for evaluating investment in IT branch was proposed.