Levers of regional investment activity regulation: definition, differentiation, possibilities of use


T. V. Kulinich

The essence of levers of regulation and increased efficiency of investment activities in the region  is  determinated  in  terms  of  regional  economy,  management,  theory  and  practice  of investment.  Classification  of  levers  of  regional  investment  activities  regulation  is  proposed. There  are  revealed  two  main  methods  of  constructing  and  forming  levers  of  regional investment activities: one  focusing on structural changes in object-territorial  distribution of investments in the regional economy and the other detecting dependences of socio-economic transformation  dynamics  in  the  region  on  the  level  of  its  investing.  In  addition  there  are highlighted possibilities of controlling the effectiveness of using the investment activities levers in the region.

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