The essence of innovative small businesses and its implications for their development, and also the main characteristics that identify a company as innovative active were considered. The level of innovation activity of small forms of business in Ukraine was analyzed, namely, by type of implemented innovation and novelty in terms of sales of innovative products. Advantages and disadvantages of providing innovative small businesses were compared with medium and large companies. Studied the negative factors that affect the implementation of small enterprises innovation and ways to overcome them in Ukraine. It was analyzed the basic ways to support innovative small businesses abroad, particularly in the EU and the US. It is shown deterrent of innovation and small business areas raising public support for innovation business sector.
Ways intensify innovation of domestic enterprises were suggested, including raising public support by improving the institutional and legal framework; activation of most companies in the areas of study of customer needs, researching innovative ideas, organic attraction innovation in strategy development, greater involvement and autonomy to employees; implementation of special programs of innovative development, the formation of innovation infrastructure, establishing close cooperation between research institutions and enterprises based on commercialization, development and implementation of an efficient financial support of algorithm innovation.
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