Requirements for articles submitted
The price of publication
Peer review
Requirements for articles submitted
The text of the articles should be submitted on CD or on USB disc.
The main text font = 11, 1.1 spacing, typeface Times New Roman Sheets of A4 format (210×297 mm). Indenting: left — 2,5 cm, right — 2,3 cm, top — 2.5 cm, bottom — 3.5 cm. Mirror margins. Headers and Footers: top 1.6 cm, bottom — 3.2 cm. Page numbers are not tabulated.
In the first line on the right the УДК and JEL-codes should be indicated (in bold font). The next line — the author’s name (in bold font), right-aligned. The next line — the author’s ORCID ID, right-aligned. Next line — place of work of the authors (right-aligned). Next line — article title (font size = 14, bold font), middle-aligned. Next line — the names and initials of the authors (italic, left-aligned, beginning with the sign ) and a year of writing. After one skipped line — abstract in Ukrainian (50-60 words, indentation 1cm). After the abstract — keywords. After one skipped line — title, authors’ names, abstract and keywords in English. After skipped line — the main text of the article in English (look at Example of a publication).
A sample of the Abstract in English with its mandatory components
The article should be structured and contain elements: "Problem statement", "Analysis of recent research and publications", "Hypothesis formulation and presentation of goals", "Research methods", "Presentation of the main material", "Conclusions", "Prospects for further research" (look at Example of a publication).
Titles of tables shold be middle-aligned (size 11, bold font), numbering of tables should be right-aligned (italic font). Font size for typing in tables is 10.
Numbers of formulas are placed in round brackets to the right of the text.
The figures should be performed with Microsoft Office applications or inserted in the publication in raster formats TIFF, PCX, BMP with a resolution of 300 dpi. Inscriptions under drawings should be executed in typefaces Times New Roman 10, skittle. Figures made in Microsoft Word should be grouped as one object.
The list of references is presented in one format at the end of the publication. It is the international style of the APA (American Psychological Association). The article should contain at least 20 references. The list of references should also include scientific papers that are indexed in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science.
With rules and examples of the design of literary sources by APA style can be found at the link:
Maximum volume of text is 20 pages.
- The electronic file of the article.
For external authors, except listed above, should be also submitted - Information on the author.
- Absence or incompleteness of any component of metadata;
- Absence of contact information;
- Absence of a review (recommendation, assignment, reference) of the scientific adviser, certified with a signature and seal (only for authors that have no academic degree);
- Absence of UDC;
- Absence of the list of references;
- The article was already published in another edition (including electronic editions and Internet);
- Plagiarism;
- Discrepancy between subject matter and quality of scientific content
The price of publication
The cost of the publication is UAH 1,200 (up to 12 pages inclusive). Each additional page is paid separately in the amount of UAH 100. The publication fee covers the costs of editing of articles, layout, printing of the collection, and mailing to the authors. Payment is made after approval of the article for publication. The author (authors) of the article is sent one copy of the collection to the postal address by registered mail (Ukrposhta) or sent through Nova Poshta.
Peer review
The editors of the Journal of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Series of Economics and Management Issues support the world standards of transparency of the review process, therefore this publication practices a double "blind" review of manuscripts.
Articles submitted to the Journal are immediately sent to the review by two independent experts. The reviewer is acquainted with the annotation of the article, after which he agrees or refuses to review the given material. In the event of a failure within a few days, another reviewer is appointed.
In a three-month period reviewers review the material and evaluate its scientific level by completing the "Review Form", which the editorial staff retains in the future.
In the submitted form, reviewers point out their comments and download files with corrections or materials that can be used to refine the article. After filling out the main "Review Forms", experts choose one of the suggested recommendations:
- Accept the article's manuscript - the submission is ready for publication and is accepted unchanged
- It is necessary to correct - it is accepted, if the author will take into account the given comments
- Return to review - the article's manuscript will be accepted or rejected after refinement and re-review.
- Send to another edition - the subject is suitable for another edition
- Reject the manuscript of the article - the submitted material does not meet the requirements of the publication
- See comments - selected in the event that none of the previous recommendations is met
After completing the review process, all relevant information is sent to the author. During the week, the author finishes the article and send a new version. If after this period the article is not returned (or the delay has not been reported to the editor) - the manuscript will be removed and deleted.