The modern vision of interaction of civilizations

: pp.73-77
Received: September 10, 2015
Accepted: October 13, 2015

Oksana Khimyak

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Globalization challenges of the contemporary world highlight the problem of interaction between civilizations. The search for ways of relations between countries that would not threaten the identities of local civilizations and the preservation of their values is ongoing. In the twentieth century, there is a real danger that the main form of interaction between civilizations will be a conflict. Unfortunately, it is the least productive form of civilizational communication Significant inter-civilization conflict is a threat to Ukrainian society in the light of the tragic events of the Revolution of Dignity, the current political, economic crisis and war. For over 400 years there was a right-bank Ukraine as part of European states, while residents of the Left-Bank Ukraine were ruled by Moscow. Unity of the Ukrainian nation was implemented neither in Soviet times, nor in the period of independence. Civilized choice has not been made. Therefore, in the eastern conflict there is an element of civil conflict Thus, one of the forms of interaction between civilizations is a conflict between them which is an integral factor in world’s existence. An example is the Eastern civilization confrontation between Western and Eastern Orthodox civilizations that became possible because of the lack of internal unity of the Ukrainian people.

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