The article examines and analyzes family conflicts and the importance of mediation as an alternative way to resolve them. The nature of family conflicts, the peculiarities of family relations and the importance of a constructive resolution of this type of conflict are considered. It was determined that family mediation allows to take into account the high emotionality of family conflicts and is therefore very effective in confusing life situations.
The history of the emergence of family mediation, as well as its development in different countries, including Ukraine, is studied. The article examines the effectiveness of new legislation in this field in Ukraine. The principles and stages of family mediation are discussed in detail, including preparation for mediation, gathering information, finding solutions and concluding the procedure. The possibility of including children in the family mediation process and the feedback stage after the mediation is also considered.
The advantages of mediation in comparison with other methods of conflict resolution are determined. Mediation helps to create constructive solutions and compromises, taking into account the interests of all parties to the conflict. An important aspect is the ability to take into account the opinion and needs of children in family conflicts. Also, mediation is less expensive and time-consuming compared to court proceedings.
The introduction of mediation into the legal system contributes to the reform of justice, ensuring a more effective and peaceful resolution of family disputes, and the Law of Ukraine «On Mediation» creates a legal basis for regulating this process. Voluntary participation and the role of neutral mediators make mediation a promising and humane tool for conflict resolution.
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