Intelligent System for Complex Military Information Analysis Based on Machine Learning and NLP to Assist Tactical Links Commanders

: pp. 35 - 57
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Information Systems and Networks Department; Osnabrück University, Institute of Computer Science

 The article describes the results of research into the processes of complex analysis of military information based on machine learning and natural language processing to help commanders of tactical units. The system should allow users to have the following capabilities: combining the dictionary and information material, adding terms and abbreviations to the dictionary, classifying objects for radio technical intelligence, visualizing aerial objects, classifying aerial objects, using information materials, organizing information materials. The developed intelligent system consists of four modules, namely, a module for integrating definitions of potentially unknown terms and abbreviations into information materials, a module for classifying objects for radio technical intelligence, a module for visualization and classification of aerial objects in real time, and a module for structuring military information. Also, the system has developed a module for correcting spelling and grammatical errors in the text based on a sorting algorithm and a dictionary of about 30,000 words of the Ukrainian language. The article describes the general structure of the developed system and, accordingly, the structures and algorithms of the functioning of each developed module of the system. The functional requirements of the system and separately for each module are also given. A description of the experimental testing of the developed software was carried out.

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