intelligent system

Intelligent System for Complex Military Information Analysis Based on Machine Learning and NLP to Assist Tactical Links Commanders

 The article describes the results of research into the processes of complex analysis of military information based on machine learning and natural language processing to help commanders of tactical units. The system should allow users to have the following capabilities: combining the dictionary and information material, adding terms and abbreviations to the dictionary, classifying objects for radio technical intelligence, visualizing aerial objects, classifying aerial objects, using information materials, organizing information materials.

Онтологічний підхід до побудови інтелектуальної системи підтримки прийняття рішень управління Сухопутними військами

Розглянуто побудову системи прийняття рішень управління Сухопутними військами з використанням онтологічного підходу. Описано побудову сховищ даних такої системи, ядром якої є онтологія.

In the paper considers the construction of the system of decision-making control of the Army Ontology-based. We describe the construction of repositories of such a system, the core of which is the ontology.

Постановка задачі оцінювання новизни онтологічних знань інтелектуальних систем

Розглянуто формалізацію процесу оцінювання новизни онтологічних знань з метою побудови ефективних процедур розв’язування задач інтелектуальною системою.

In the paper the formalization of the evaluation process innovation ontological knowledge to build effective procedures for solving problems of intelligent systems.

Intelligent System for Detecting Plagiarism in Technical Texts

The authors of the article developed a scientific reasoning, designed, and developed an intelligent system for detecting plagiarism in technical texts. The work defines the problem of plagiarism in the modern world and its relevance and analyzes the latest research and publications devoted to the latest methods of using intelligent information technologies to detect plagiarism.

Methods and means of determining objects of radio intelligence using the ontological approach

The article is devoted to the study of methods and means of determining objects of radio technical intelligence using machine learning technologies and an ontological approach. A naіve Bayesian classifier was used to identify objects of radio technical intelligence. The Naive Bayes classifier is a machine learning algorithm used to classify objects based on probabilities. In this article, a naive Bayesian classifier is used to determine the classes to which objects of radio technical intelligence belong.

Intelligent system of passenger flows dynamiC 2D-visualization for public transport routes

In order to increase the attractiveness of public transport for urban residents, a software product has been created for transport companies that, by visualizing passenger traffic, helps to improve the quality of public transport services provided within the city. The paper analyses existing and current scientific developments and literature sources, which show the advantages and disadvantages of a large number of different algorithms and methods, approaches, and methods for solving problems of 2D- visualization of passenger flows on public routes.

Підхід до автоматичної побудови функцій інтерпретації під час навчання онтологій

In the paper the approach to automated construction of interpretation functions (axioms) of concepts and relations of the domain ontology during its training are considered. The method of recognizing the semantics of natural language texts and its representation in the form of descriptive logic.

Метод оцінювання якості онтологій баз знань інтелектуальних систем на основі ISO/IEC 25012

The importance of ontology within concepts of the knowledge base and intelligent systems is considered in the article. Standard ISO/IEC 25012 has been offered for evaluation of ontologies qualities of knowledge bases of intelligent decision support systems.