The purpose of this work is to simplify the process of finding and scheduling travel and travel for users using an intelligent integration system and content creation. One of the main tasks is to search and return its results to the user in order to further choose the best options for air carriers, hotels, car rental services and more. Aggregation of all useful data will significantly reduce the time it takes to find the right information when planning a trip by the user. The results obtained during the search make it possible to analyze and compare all available options and choose the best one. Thus, the object of research is the process of finding, integrating and generating content that will be useful for tourists. The subject of the research is process of content integration and formation taking into account user needs. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the development of model of the intelligent system of data integration from different Internet resources to ensure the process of finding and scheduling travel and travel for users. This paper explores and utilizes content integration methods to generate results in response to a user’s request, namely to provide quick access to all relevant information that may be needed by the user in the planning of a tourist trip. The system under development is under testing, where the maximum number of errors is detected before the product is introduced to the market. In the future, this system can be used as a basis for a global system of search and formation of tourist content, which will be used worldwide.
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