In today's active development of information space a global problem appears the education – the quality and relevance of educational information. One way to solve this problem is to use information technology with the latest developments in the computer industry in the educational process. It is clear that computer technology can intensify the learning process, change the overall organization of training and pass from group classes and forms of knowledge control to the individual, automated.
Despite all the advantages of using new technologies in education, particularly in learning foreign languages, computer testing, which has recently gained popularity as a means of objective evaluation of the rapid processing of results has certain inaccuracies that may be eliminated through effective cooperation experts in computer technology and foreign language teachers provided clear definition of the problem areas in the organization of computer testing in order to optimize the learning process.
Consequently, computer testing does have significant advantages over traditional forms of control, but it is not a universal method. It actually requires significant improvements in the test system and the organization of the meeting, which is possible only if the cooperation of specialists in computer technology, philology and education and borrowings of certain foreign testing methods. The next step in addressing this problem we see the development of an improved test system based on the above-mentioned drawbacks and proposals to eliminate them.
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5. Sizykh І. V. Models and computer technology adequate testing process / І. V. Sizykh. – К.: National University named after Shevchenka, 2002. – 133 p.
6. Fetisov V. S. Computer technology in testing: teach. method. guidance. / V. S. Fetisov. – Nizhyn: Publisher PE Lysenko М.М., 2011. – 140 p.
7. Khanina О.М. The problem of testing in modern methodology of teaching foreign languages / О.М. Khanina // Foreign languages. – 2004. – № 1. – 424 p.
8. TOEFL American College Test : Practice [Electronic resource]. – Access to the source: american_college_test.html
9. The GRE – Graduate Record Examination [Electronic resource]. – Access to the source:
10. SAT Practice – Prepare with Official SAT Test Prep Questions [Electronic resource]. – Access to the source:
11. Oxford Placement Test [Electronic resource]. – Access to the source: DefaultMR.aspx?id=3034&menuId=1