In the article analyzes the historical and legal sources that regulated the procedure for public control over the process of execution - serving sentences, established the patterns of emergence and development of the problems existing in connection with this, and proposed some ways to solve them in essence.
One of the problems and, at the same time, the tasks defined in the Concept of reforming (development) of the penitentiary system of Ukraine, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2017, is to bring the content of criminal enforcement activities, including public control, to best international practices and standards.
Scholars also emphasize the need to increase the level of effectiveness of public associations in the field of execution of sentences in our country, noting that in modern conditions of changes in the process of execution - serving sentences is important to establish those determinants that were formed in previous years and continue to operate in today, negatively affecting the state of public control in this area of public relations.
It is for these reasons that the subject of research was chosen in this scientific article and its purpose is determined, namely - on the basis of analysis of historical and legal sources related to public control in the field of execution of sentences, to formulate a modern view of the organization and implementation. current socio-political and legal reality in Ukraine.
Based on this, the main task of this research is to identify existing problems in this regard and justify the most effective ways and means of solving them in essence.
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