The covering of scientific controversy is considered as the specifics of scientific journalism. The author considers controversy of the subjects of media texts on science as one of the important ways to highlight the conflicts in journalistic materials. Effective presentation of scientific controversial information in the media serves as a reserve and an instrument for 23 the development and support of interest in science, promotion of scientific knowledge among the general public, and increasing of scientific media literacy. The main purpose of journalistic materials on controversial scientific topics is to provoke a broad discussion of such topics, raise public interest in them, and increase general scientific literacy. Objectively submitted by the media scientific discussions and controversies allow to fully and clearly convey the dynamics of the development of science and society, their interconnection. And, on the contrary, the inattention of the media to such contradictions and controversies, inability to comprehend them turns into a decrease in the analytical and informational levels of journalistic materials. The media address to controversial issues inevitably affects the content of journalistic texts. In order to support interest in scientific knowledge, journalists communicate with the audience, covering disputes, discussions, conflicts in such a complicated field as science. The establishment of content domains, the search and expression of the semantic center of discussion are integral components of journalistic representation of scientific controversial themes in the media. In addition, controversy, reproduced in the media, reaches semantic expansion. A real scientific discussion is used in journalistic texts as a start point for an author’s message, and is regarded as the primary one that put secondary and additional contradictions on itself. In this way, a wide range of the interactions of science and other spheres – politics, culture, religion, morals et cetera – move to eyeshot of the media.
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