Nowadays, Internet mass media and social networks are a battlefield in the information war as a component of the armed battle for democratic convictions and consciousness of Ukrainians. Counterfeit- ing Russian disinformation created by AI in the Internet media is an important topical problem of jour- nalism researchers and an applied problem of all Internet users for the formation of stable democratic beliefs, resistance to hostile manipulations of Russian propagandists.
The importance of knowledge about the signs of Russian disinformation in the Internet media for every citizen of Ukraine and citizens of democratic states is due not only to the role of disinformation in the information war, which precedes and accompanies the armed war, has a long-term disturbing effect on the consciousness and psyche of people in order to deform the pro-Ukrainian mental horizon, destroy democratic values, planting a pro-Russian mental look, justifying Russia’s war against the independent Ukrainian state.
The purpose of the study is to teach Internet media users to identify the signs of Russian disinfor- mation and to warn them against its harmful effects on the mind, emotions, and psyche. Russian disin- formation weakens the spirit, will, and resistance, deliberately disorients, destabilizes, disorganizes peo- ple, manipulates consciousness, feelings, weakens a person’s confidence in himself, the victory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, hides miscalculations and mistakes of the Russians, creates false ideas about events, facts, phenomena in favor of Russia, encourages decisions that are disadvantageous to Ukraini- ans, independent Ukraine and democratic countries.
Russian Internet media and social networks are dangerous for people who do not have the basics of mass media literacy, do not know the signs of Russian disinformation, cannot independently deter- mine the content belonging to Internet media, Russian manipulators. The proposed study shows which signs of disinformation indicate that this is precisely Russian disinformation – a component of Russia’s informational and psychological operations on the Internet in order to oppose their anti-Ukrainian in- fluence.
The article reveals the visible (external) and invisible (hidden in the context) signs of Russian dis- information in the Internet media, social networks by the forms of its reproduction: text, photo, audio, video.
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