Legal principles of electronic commerce in social networks

: 161-165
Lesko N., Kira S. Legal principles of electronic commerce in social networks.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

The article examines the theoretical aspects of the concept of "e-commerce". It is noted that the regulatory framework of Ukraine in the field of e-commerce is in a state of rapid development. By signing the Association Agreement, Ukraine has undertaken considerable commitments, including ensuring the gradual adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to that of the European Union, in accordance with the areas set out in the Agreement, thus one of which is e-commerce. Thus, bringing Ukraine's legislation in the field of e-commerce in line with EU legislation will allow our country not only to address a number of pressing issues in the field of legal regulation, but also allow domestic entrepreneurs to become full participants in the EU e-market.

It is emphasized that the concept of "e-commerce" is broader than the concept of "e-commerce", as the former covers all types of electronic and commercial activities without exception, this includes not only sales - "business consumer", but also such links as e-sales between enterprises (for example, between larger and smaller wholesalers), ie "business" and between consumers (for example, the consumer is not satisfied with the product or service and decided to resell it), ie consumer-consumer ». In addition, a “business-to-business” link (for example, tenders) and a “consumer-to-consumer” link (for example, the provision of administrative services through the electronic platform “Action”) are also possible. on interaction between state enterprises, institutions or organizations with legal entities (private enterprises) or individuals.

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