: 23-32
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

The article analyzes the functioning of printed mass media – local periodicals, regional press, and all-Ukrainian newspapers and magazines during the first period of full-scale Russian invasion. Three groups of periodicals are distinguished. Local publications that have stopped publishing and stopped media business for an indefinite period of time. Newspapers that temporarily closed their activities changed the location of the editorial office and resumed publication in an online format in a relatively short period of time. Accordingly, the media preserved and established the communication with the audience. Periodicals with a place of permanent deployment in the territory under the control of the Ukrainian state reoriented themselves in accordance with the conditions of wartime, promptly reacted to the increase in the cost of paper, the disruption of logistical connections, to challenges related to the acquisition of components and consumable printing materials, etc. The sudden and almost total cessation of income from advertising products have become a challenge for periodicals. The local press and publications at the regional and all-Ukrainian levels reoriented informational content on military topics, in the first issues they chose a depressing angle for its coverage. The content of the printed editions underwent drastic changes from the third or fourth issue of the newspaper and magazine, and the topics of the speeches expanded significantly. The content and information have become informative, analytical and other saturation of publications again dominated the periodicals about heroic resistance and the encouraging course of events in the main theater of military operations. In the first year of the war, most Ukrainian periodicals held their own in the information market, adapted to its challenges and continue providing society with balanced, verified, reliable information about the situation in the country and at the front. The stability of editorial teams during the war turned out to be higher than the expectations of the expert media environment.


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