The models of the media action in social journalism

Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

The social journalism objectives which are realized in the process of the mediation of social reality improve the variety of models of media actions. Through it, in the informational circuit are putted materials which model a civil perception of the reality, induce to citizens the feeling of an ownership and the participation in social life, suggest the possible solutions for solving the problems, and generate the optimal conditions for free implication of citizens in public dialog etc. Constructive nature of these media actions lies in adjustment journalistic activities to social field’s need and in cumulating of the journalistically actions and those of the other social institutions in view of satisfaction of the social objectives of a major importance for society. The interaction between the media and civil society is determined by the needs of their existence: the non-governmental sector needs the media to achieve its goals both for ordinary citizens and for the government sector, namely, to encourage and convince them to act for the good of society, and non-governmental sector is a valuable source of information. Using information from the non-governmental sector, the media diversify their problems and thematic range. This information also helps the media to initiate debates on acute social issues that relate to particular social categories or society in general. The relationship between the media and civil society differs from relations with other social actors, primarily with government officials, because non-governmental media organizations are not only the subject of media coverage, but also original forms of professional organization of journalists. Thus, the dual status of some nonprofit public organizations forces journalists to be more responsible in selecting and submitting information from these sources in order to eliminate conflicts of interest. The non-governmental sector is “inculcated” in social journalism with the help of subjects of social practice who are freelance correspondents of the media.

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