The article deals with different approaches to defining the essence of the concept of “marketing”. The basic stages of the process of developing and making marketing decisions in the enterprise management system are investigated, the content and procedure of interaction of the main elements of the marketing decision making process are determined. It is proposed to carry out the process of development and adoption of marketing decisions in the enterprise, which consists of 4 main stages: marketing analysis of the enterprise, marketing synthesis, development of operational management decisions on the system of marketing management of the enterprise, control of the implementation of marketing management decisions. The formation of marketing decisions involves the marketing analysis of each of the elements of the enterprise marketing complex, which is based on the study of factors of internal and external (direct and indirect action) of the company environment, market status and major trends, assessing market attractiveness, etc.
Marketing as one of the important functions of entrepreneurial activity ensures stable, competitive functioning and development of the enterprise in the market of goods or services, taking into account the influence of factors of internal and external environment of functioning. Understanding the theoretical foundations of determining the effectiveness of marketing activities will facilitate the adoption of rational and optimal marketing decisions, as well as the development of strategies and programs for marketing activities based on them. The sequence of estimation of efficiency of marketing activity which consists of 3 stages is formed. The conclusion is made about the expediency of estimating the level of effectiveness of marketing activity by means of the integral indicator. This metric includes individual metrics for each element of the marketing mix: metrics for sales performance, sales promotion effectiveness, product policy effectiveness, pricing policy effectiveness, and other marketing activities. Marketing performance levels, their respective characteristics and measures to increase them using the Harrington scale have been systematized.
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