Systematic approach to the fundamental training of managers as prerequisite for the formation of professional competence


Dolnikova L.V. , Tsubova O.L.

 The article deals with the scientific and methodological approaches to the creation of knowledge in fundamental subjects during the training for the Bachelor’s degree in Management. It represents the author's interpretation of the systematic approach to the formation of high-quality professional knowledge through the basic education. 
In pedagogical theory, the question of the system of interrelations in the shaping of training content belongs to the main problems, which constitute the logical starting point for the problem solution in the training of a competitive specialist. The main approaches in the modern didactic system of managers’ training in higher education are humanity, fundamentality, structured system, and professional orientation of educational material. Fundamental education presupposes the formation of basic knowledge for mastering the system of professional competence of the future specialists. 
Professionalism is based on the corresponding fundamental training, systematic thinking, effective methods of strategies and decision argumentation, organizational skills.Therefore, the purpose of modern specialist training is to ensure the conditions of the efficient knowledge acquisition through the innovation in education and adaptation to the national and international labor markets.
The effectiveness of basic managers’ training is influenced by numerous factors: insufficient level of general knowledge, incapability to work in institutions of higher learning, low, and sometimes complete absence of the integration of basic and professional knowledge, which leads to low motivation in studying basic subjects.
Basic education content formation has to be based on the objective, main types and tasks of manager’s activity, which are distinguished as the readiness for managerial activity in market relations.
The expert for the practical activity should possess the knowledge in marketing, entrepreneurship, business, law, foreign trade, finance, taxation, management, legislation of Ukraine, which regulates business, trade, foreign trade, the meaning of economic laws and categories, to have sufficient amount of knowledge in social and humanitarian spheres.
This system of knowledge and skills can be formed only with the help of clear scientific and reasonable integration system of the fundamental, social, humanitarian, and professional practical knowledge.  
Taking into account the activity tasks and its productive functions, which should be possessed by a manager in the managerial activity, it is considered that the list of the natural sciences disciplines (basic disciplines) requires high-quality innovative educational and scientific support, the development of effective means of systematic knowledge and skills formation, which are the basis of expertise. We have developed the didactic means system of the systematic approach to the study of some fundamental subjects of the curriculum based on the integrative approach, and the implementation effectiveness of their application will be the subject of our further research.